The Source of the Present Civilization

$ 23.00

Revered teacher, author, and healer M.M. Nakazono explains the treasured Takeuti documents from Japan, which reveal the ancient history and future implications of human civilization. By masterfully connecting the current of ancient times to the present day situation, O Sensei explains how the 50 sound rhythms of the Kototama Principle are key to moving humanity forward into the higher order of the third civilization. See Description below for further information.

(1990) – 243 pages. Illustrations of ancient maps, alphabets, symbols.  Note that the separate Kototama Sound Card is not included with this purchase on Amazon, but it is printed in its entirety within the pages of this book. 

Note: The Source of the Present Civilization is also available at our Amazon store HERE.

Mikoto Masahilo Nakazono (1918-1994)

This is the author's most current explanation of the Kototama Principle and ancient world history. The origin of our present, materialistic civilization (Amatsu Kanagi) is explained as revealed in the ancient Takeuti Documents of Japan, which have been guarded by chief priests for thousands of years in the oldest shrine in Japan, Koso Kotai Jingu (excerpts included). They record a time when "god-men,"  those who had perfected a complete, direct knowledge of the Kototama Principle, the highest way of life, hid the principle from mankind in order to be able to develop the present civilization. Now the time has come to move into the third civilization (Amatsu Futonorito), and the hidden secrets are finally being disclosed to this generation. These documents show that the totality of human capacity can be achieved through complete understanding of the  fifty sound rhythms of the Kototama Principle. ISBN 0-9716674-2-6.